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White Tip Reef Sharks

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    Generosa Litton
roca partida and diver

Roca Partida is the smallest of the four Revillegigedo Islands (pronounced reh-vi-ya-hih-heh-doh). The fourth island, Clarion, was one that we didn't visit this trip.

The island looks like an iceberg with two tips on each side. However, just like an iceberg, there is more rock under it that stretches to about 5000 feet deep!

roca partida

We did four dives on Roca Partida, starting off on one end of the island and then letting the current take us to the other end.

roca partida dive map

Water temperature was steady at 78 degrees with the occasional thermocline at 77 degrees. By this time, I was wearing my 5mm wetsuit 🥶. Photo of me below taken by Linda Elliott 📷.

roca partida dive map

This island is known for the abundance of white tip reef sharks laying on top of each other on ledges or crevices. Seeing these sharks in real life was definitely a delight 👀 😂. White tip reef sharks are pretty harmless so getting up close to them was not scary at all.

white tip reef sharks

The sharks were also hovering around 40 feet along with the schools of fish and looked to be feeding on the plankton.

Shark mouth open

Other critters from diving this island included trumpet fish (even a yellow one!), large schools of jacks and more dolphin sightings. More about the dolphins on the next blog 😁 🐬.

More pics of the white tip reef sharks and other critters (and people) while diving Roca Partida are here.